For Fun |
Take Me Out to the Ballgame - NEW
The seventh inning stretch wouldn’t be quite the same without the fans’ rendition of the Jack Norworth classic Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Here we will present a variety of renditions that we’ve found over the years. If you have a favorite that doesn’t appear here, please send it to us. |
The Lighter Side of Baseball
In this section we'll take a look at baseball through the eyes of a wide variety of comedians, pundits, and observers of the game. |
Who's on First
One of the funniest comedy routines ever! Although Abbott & Costello had several variations on the opening sequence depending on which city they were performing in, the vast majority of the routine is performed the same again and again -- and it never fails to bring a smile. Here we provide the transcript of the routine as well as an audio version. Have fun! |
Baseball Scorecard
A one-page scorecard that you can download and print. This is one of my favorite scorecard formats. I print them front-to-back so I can score both teams on a single sheet. There are abbreviations to help the beginner, but feel free to use your own notation -- everybody does! |
Compact Scorecard
This scorecard allows you to score both teams on the front of a single page. |
How to Use The Baseball Scorecard
This is a basic tutorial on how to score a baseball game that someone sent me years ago. Everyone has their own notation, but this gives the beginner a pretty good point of reference. |
Lineup For Yesterday
Poet Ogden Nash's unique poetic style provides a humerous romp through the lineup alphabetically. |
Casey Stengel's Testimony
In July of 1958, Yankees' manager Casey Stengel and outfielder Mickey Mantle were asked to testify at the US Senate's sub-committee considering baseball's monopoly status. His rambling answers to the senator's questions are typical of what has come to be known as Stengelese. |
Casey At The Bat
One of the most famous peoms about baseball. There may be no joy in Mudville, but there's plenty enough to go around when you read this well-known poem. |